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We have the power to shape our lifestyles, so let’s seize the opportunity!

Our lifestyle is determined by the continent we live on, and of course our immediate environment has a big influence. But what matters is our own choice and determination, if we dare to take steps towards our desires. Almost everyone can tell us about a lifestyle they have dreamed of, and of course about the obstacles they have faced in order to live it.


Of course we want to live a long life of health and prosperity, but that’s too general a definition when it comes to lifestyle. Of course, it is very good to have a healthy lifestyle and a conscious diet as part of the lifestyle we choose, as it gives us the best opportunity to experience happiness in the areas that are important to us and that we choose.

Choosing a job
When we are looking for a good job, salary and job title are key issues. We rarely think about how a job, with its limitations, will affect our lifestyle and how we can adapt our choice of new job to our lifestyle. For example, the neonomad’s way of working is also a way of life for them, as they have no fixed place to carry out their free intellectual work, which gives them enormous freedom. On the other hand, it is often true that a job in a multinational company can provide a very good salary, which may even cover the lifestyle you dreamed of, but what good does it do if the workload takes your freedom away completely. It should be added that for those who want to do just that, it can be a good choice.

Help for those looking for a way forward
It’s not uncommon for someone to have no idea what lifestyle or job is right for them, but to know that the status quo is very bad. This is most common for young people, when they need to move in a certain direction but don’t know what is the right way to go.

In this case, a psychologist can be very helpful, both in terms of self-awareness and life management, to guide you on the path that will give you the mental balance you need. This will also boost our performance, which can open the door to new opportunities.

It is up to us to decide who we turn to, and you can find a selection of suitable professionals on the website, where you can also read their profiles.

Developing the right lifestyle is crucial for our mental well-being, and asking for help is not a shame, but a very positive move and a great inner awareness. On the contrary, procrastination, ostrich politics and resignation to the bad deepens the problems and prolongs the process of recovery and change.

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